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How NOT to Fix a Gate

Last weekend, we went out to my mom's place to help her out with some stuff...namely, Blake and my brother installing an automatic gate for her.  Riley and I decided to go "help them out"...which basically meant distracting them, giving unsolicited input, saving a dog from being run over, making the guys pose in goofy ways (Blake's "Just Jack" shot not pictured), and playing around with my camera.

Needless to say, not much work was done...and that's besides the fact that not all parts were had.

I'm going to try my very best to remember to take along my big girl camera wherever we may go this spring.  I want to chronicle our lives a bit more through candid shots and story telling.  Maybe you've noticed from my posts this week of my attempt.  I seem to only use my camera mainly for photoshoots, so I'm taking a stance to change that moving forward!

Oh and as a side/obvious note...they didn't get the fence done, so I guess our distraction skills were well-honed.

Mission, sort of....not really.
Okay, nevermind, mission NOT accomplished.
Sorry Momma.

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