Week, you do NOT get a high 5 for dragging yourself out to seem like a month. This better not happen again. Ever.
Like ever.
1. Speaking of "like ever" three year is such a character, but when she loudly sings that song in the car, the cuteness factor goes off the charts. With her little lisp and inability to pronounce her R's...I just about run the car off the road from holding in laughter. I need to see if I can get it on video one of these days. She's going to have her heart broken when she finds out that I'm only taking her big sisters to see Taylor Swift in May. No one tell her. Seriously.
2. So my fourth born....the only know, the one everyone "accuses" me of babying?
(Guilty. I'm still nursing him for heaven's sake.)
Yep, he decided to start walking. He's 19 months old.
At least I can finally put it in his baby book.
3. Over the holiday's two things happened:
One-Against my better judgement, I maybe didn't eat as well as I should have.
Two-Due to plantar fasciitis and a change in my husband's schedule, I didn't exercise hardly at all to combat the influx of calories.
Result---Carrying around some extra LBS. We've got to do something about this folks, because Valentine's Day candy is my second-favorite holiday candy. And it's already infiltrated our house.
Operation Self Control Has Commenced.
4. I don't know if there is any need for clarification about my outfit posts, but just in case there is, I want you to know that everything I post on my blog is an outfit I actually wear. If I wear PJs all day, needless to say, there's no outfit pics. Or on a day like the pic below, I probably wouldn't post it because I don't feel it's blog worthy...but just to drive the point home...
5. If you missed anything here over this longest week ever, here's a few highlights:
-Talked HERE about some blog changes and sponsorships
-Sort of invented my own Pepperoni Rolls recipe...Yummo!
-Seeing how many trends I can fit in one outfit...colored leather, polka dots, etc.
Here's to a slow weekend that drags out forever and ever!
And ever!
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