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Blogging Resolutions From Hayley of The Weekend File

So along the lines of yesterday's post about changes and improvements, Hayley and I are swapping blogs today talking about some resolutions we made...specifically with our blogging.  I've loved the chance I've had to get to know Hayley a bit more, and I know you will too!  Not only is she a doll, but the girl's got it together!

Hi new friends! I am Hayley, I blog over at the life and style blog called The Weekend File. I write mostly about my style, but I love sharing little bits and pieces about my life by the beach in California, with my boyfriend and our puppy, in our new (1940's and renovated, so new to us) home! 
With a new year comes new goals and resolutions so I thought it would be fun to share some of my blogging goals for this year with all of you. Maybe some of you can resonate, or maybe you are new to blogging and can consider these tips! Anyway you want to look at it it is always good to re-evaluate and grow when it comes to blogging! 

1. Inspire someone else. The part of this crazy "blogging" world that I love the most is not posting an outfit I wore so you can all tell me how great or cute it is, but being able to inspire other regular girls out there like me. I am not rich, I don't wear designer labels, I shop at the same stores as all of you and with probably the same budget! But if I remix something or find a great deal, I want to style it and show you what I did to hopefully inspire you! 

2. Make genuine connections. Blogging to me HAS to be secondary to my life, or else I would never disconnect and go outside. I need to make sure to remember to reply to those tweets and comments, get to know my readers, and make those connections with other bloggers the way I did in the beginning all while living my life outside of the blog as well! I love that I have gotten to meet such awesome ladies all over the world just because of this hobby of mine!

3. Blog Honestly. Honestly, I used to have fear of missing a few days of blogging and people un-following me or forgetting about me. I used to post 5 days a week, about anything and everything and it became too much. Now I blog when I want to blog, when I am inspired to. I run my blog, it doesn't run me. I want to post good inspired content, things I want to be inspired myself when I scroll back through my own posts. 

4. Evolve. My blog is like my own personal style evolution. Looking back on outfits I wore in the beginning is part hilarious and part amazing. I love having this file of my clothes (think Cher's closet in Clueless!) to look back on for inspiration, but also this diary of how I am changing. Things I wear now I would have NEVER been comfortable in before, and things I wore then I just wouldn't think of wearing today. This blog has given me confidence, and helped me grow and evolve personally. And it doesn't end here, I want to keep documenting, changing and evolving. 

5. Have Fun! As much hard work as it is to keep up with some days, having my blog is so fun! I need to remember to have fun with it! I have (in my own way) become a writer, photographer, designer, documenter, and editor all in some form because of this hobby. Meeting new friends and connecting with you guys is fun! I just want to remember to have fun in 2013! 

Do you have any blogging resolutions? I would love to hear them! You can find me on Twitter or Instagram if you want to keep following along! Thanks for having me today!

Such great tips and inspiration, Hayley! (I think you can go ahead and consider no. 1 checked off.  Check!)  Now head on over to her space for my complete list of blogging resolutions I made for The Mrs. & The Momma!  Now that I've put it all "out there", promise me you'll hold me to 'em, okay?

1 comment:

  1. I need all of these resolutions too!!! So glad I read this. Found you from the link up <3



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