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High 5: Wedded Bliss

Yesterday, we celebrated marked eight years of marriage.  We plan to celebrate in a couple of days (read: when we have some one to watch our kids).

In honor of our anniversary, here's my High 5 of our wedded life of bliss so far:

1.  We dated 10 years before we got married.  Okay, that makes me sound really in all actually, 10 years began in junior high...if you can even call that "dating" at that age.  I'm pretty sure when you have your parents as constant escorts, it is most certainly NOT dating.  But hey, it's a good story.
Our honeymoon
2.  We went on our honeymoon to St. Lucia and it rained THE ENTIRE TIME.  Can you tell that I'm still bothered by that?  I mean, come on Travel Agent!  She could have told us it was their rainy season!  Grrrr.

3.  In the many years we've known each other, we've been through quite a lot.  In fact, in just the past eight years of marriage, we've had four children, one miscarriage, three moves, seven hair styles, three wards, and a partridge in a pear tree.  Really, in all seriousness, it has been a very full marriage so far.
Family vacation
4.  Every anniversary (except for our second), I've either been pregnant or nursing....which has made the logistics of going on an anniversary getaway nearly impossible.  Both times we've tried, I've had to come back early because I was desperately needing to nurse a baby (you mommas know what I'm talking about).
Taken by my five year old
5.  For our ten year anniversary, I plan to be neither attached to a nursing child or one in my womb, so we're wanting to try for a Scotland/Ireland trip.  Lofty aspirations?  Maybe.  But it's my if it doesn't happen in two years, that's okay.  We've got some time yet, I do believe.

The Mrs. & The Momma

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