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Mourning Babyhood+Celebrating Baby Hairs

blouse (similar) and skirt: Target, shoes (similar): Nine West, necklace: InPink, bracelets: Brighton and Charming Charlie 
Man, was it windy Sunday!  All of my newly grown baby hairs had no idea which way to lay after being blown this way and that.

I mentioned in yesterday's post (and I think I've talked on it before) about my bald poor, pitiful, missing hair.  It's one of those things nobody tells you before you have a baby.  That you lose literally pounds of hair post delivery (okay, not literally, but it sure seems like it).  And it gets worse with each pregnancy.  Joy.

What makes it especially traumatic, is the thick, lush hair your body "lends" you during those nine-plus months of baby growing....then WHAM!  It's gone like male pattern baldness.

I don't have a whole lot of hair in the first place, so I've got to take care of these little newbie hairs that are finally emerging.

Because now that my little guy is one (practically grown!), they're the only babies I have left!
Sniff, sniff.

Momma Mourning Babyhood
(in case you couldn't tell)

The Mrs. & The Momma

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