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Countdown to Christmas

shirt: Cabi, cardi: Nordstroms Rack, skirt and belt: Gap, shoes and watch: Michael Kors 

This is what I wore to church today.  I really wanted to wear something holiday festive since we won't be at church on Christmas morning, but blue won out.

Since today is the one week countdown until Christmas, I thought I'd make a little countdown list of my thoughts of this upcoming week.

1.  I'm not done shopping yet.

2.  I'm not done haven't started cooking yet.

3.  I'm slightly getting tired of Christmas music...except of course for the Michael Buble Holiday Pandora station.

4.  I love his version of "All I Want For Christmas" rivals Mariah's.

5.  I get excited to see the UPS man everyday because I've forgotten what I bought people and it's a surprise to me too!

6.  I would really like to volunteer this week somewhere...such as Brown Santa or Coats for Kids.

7.  I wish it were cold enough to warrant a fire in my fire place.  Nothing says Christmas like a cozy fire.

8.  I told myself that it's okay to eat my weight in sweets this week because of my plan to start back my healthy eating habits on December 26....totally reasonable, right?

9.  I've had an itch to watch "Home Alone" recently...but I'm pretty sure it would scare my kids.  "Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish!  You better come out and stop me!"

10.  I'm really excited to see/hear how our children bearing their testimonies of Jesus on Christmas Eve has changed (grown) since last year.  We began the family tradition of a family testimony meeting centered on Christ every Christmas Eve right before the kids go to bed.


  1. love your earrings. and i get the same feeling with Fedex drops off. its just fun to see what its going to be even though i did the shopping!

  2. Well now, blue is a Christmas color, sort of. It's the color traditionally associated with the Virgin Mary. So I think you're cool. :)

    Maggie B.
    "Finding Myself"

  3. Wows a, lots of stuff left to do, I just have a few things left...making macarons...and helping mymom make candy canes

  4. Go ahead and eat all that sugar! If I looked that good I would! Love you in blue, too.



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