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Homeschooling Update

^^^ Some friends of ours invited us to spend Friday morning at the Austin Nature and Science Center.  I'm so glad we went!  As a native Austinite, I can't believe I'd never visited there before!  So beautiful and right in the middle of the city! ^^^

So homeschooling.  Gosh y''s sure ain't for the faint of heart.
We are doing this without a longterm plan, meaning we don't know what next year holds for her in terms of schooling.  We may put her back in public school, but that's yet to be determined.  One thing I know for sure though, is that having her home this semester was definitely the right choice.  I've seen big differences.

The thing about homeschooling though, is the pressure.  I feel extreme pressure schooling my child.  I feel like if I had this mentality from the get-go and was homeschooling all of my children, then I could be more global, relaxed, and flexible with our schedule and well as have more time, as it wouldn't be dictated around an elementary school schedule.  But not knowing if she's going back to public school puts on the pressure of making sure she's ready to integrate back if and when necessary.  Keeping up with the public school curriculum doesn't allow much time for other subjects we had initially set out to learn...for example, spanish.  It's all I can do to get her work completed, and that's not to mention all the other moving parts that is our family of 6.  I wish I could let it go, but I just have this sense of urgency that I must stay on top of it.

Basically, if I knew she would homeschool from here on out, a world of possibilities would open up for us and I could have a more long term vision of her learning...but unfortunately considering all other family circumstances, we just don't have that luxury right now.  I don't want her to be behind if she goes back.
And therein lies a lot of pressure as her teacher and mother.

Ah, parenthood...
it's anything but boring.

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