I've been meaning to post these for a while, but life got in the way...and then I realized I didn't get as many pictures as I thought of us all decorating the tree.
Oh that tree.
We've always had hand-me-down trees...except for that one after-Christmas clearance from Target, but it quickly met its final day when finally wouldn't stand up straight. We're fake tree people all the way. We don't mess with the mess.
In recent years as our girls have gotten a little older, tree decorating has become more of a family tradition...or at least more of what I have pictured in my head. Fire roaring the fire place (if weather permits), Christmas Pandora station playing in the background while football is on mute (for Daddy of course), and the kids remembering all their special ornaments as they carefully place each one on the tree.
Well this year resembled nothing of the sort.
For starters, our tree lights are completely rigged. The prelit lights on the bottom half don't work, so Blake strung more lights on that part....but to only realize after the fact the short in one of the new strands. So basically, the bottom half of our tree is temperamental and makes me want to kick it.
And as for our angelic kids peacefully decorating the tree...
Well, just think of the opposite of that scenario and you've pretty much got the picture.
After the kids went to bed that night, I looked at Blake and asked, "What the heck was that all about?!?" I felt like we were getting on to them the entire time about one thing or another...and it makes me sad that this year's tree decorating experience ended unpleasant...at least in my book. The kids probably still enjoyed it, but unfortunately, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
There's always next year, I guess.
By then we WILL have a new 9ft, 1000 light fake tree of my choosing.
I'll have to ask nicer than that, I think.
Santa, you there???
In other news, I have a little treat for you today! Blakely was asked to be part of a holiday giveaway series with FabKids. If you haven't heard of them, you might have heard of the shoe line JustFab. Anyway, this is the kids line (same concept) and Christina Applegate is one of their creative partners...pretty cool!
Today, they're giving away the outfit Blakely is wearing below...it's super cute and perfect for a little holiday fanciness. Just follow this link and entry is really easy (I think you might have to like their FB page first, but then it'll direct you to the page)! Make sure to tell them I sent you!
Good luck!

Aww, it looks like you are having tons of fun preparing for the holidays!