It's been so freaking cold outside...
And I LOVE it!!!!!
And something else I love are these amazing Sole Society booties I've been gushing over since I first spotted them a couple of months back.
And do you know what my awesome MIL did??? She got them for me as an early Christmas gift!!! I was so excited to wear them to church yesterday, but paranoid at the same time that something would happen to them.
Are you like that with new shoes??? A spot of water dripped on them and I straight up panicked. Clearly I'm attached...methinks I need to come up with a name for these babies...
Ruby? Nah, too obvious.
Dorothy? Nah, too cheesy.
Captain and Tennille?
Sonny and Cher?
I'll keep thinking.
This week I'll be putting together some gift guides with the help of my friend Shellie's Black Friday deals she has on her site. For me, I would like to get the bulk of my shopping done this week. Ambitious, yes. Impossible, maybe. But I like being given ideas, so hopefully you will too. Give me a shout out in the comments if you'd like to see anything specific....i.e. gifts for your in-laws, quality toys for kids, meaningful gifts for friends, etc.

Those booties are AMAZING, and yay for cooler weather! Here too!