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My Life Goals That Will {Probably} Never Happen

I have several random thoughts that continue to creep into my mind in terms of
"Gosh, I wish I could just _____."
Some of them are probably pretty normal, while others are just quirks or daydreams....but I feel strongly about them, nonetheless.

They've become my little unspoken life goals...but I've decided to finally declare them here and now!   You know, they say you should always write down your goals, right?

>>>Gosh, I wish I could have a "command center" from my bed where I wouldn't ever have need to get up.  I envision this goal every time I read in bed under the covers, which is almost never.  Four kids just won't allow for this one, but a girl can dream.

>>>Gosh, I wish I could just win one of those darn Pioneer Woman giveaways!  Pretty soon, the odds have to start being in my favor, don't you think?

>>>Gosh, I wish I could live in Scotland for a summer.  In the Highlands preferably.  I'd even take a week.  I could pick up that lilt in a mere week, don't you think?

>>>Gosh, I wish I could grow thick, luscious hair.  This will most certainly never happen.  I lost so much hair after my last baby that I even have extensions just to give me some volume.  Now you know my little secret.

>>>Gosh, I wish I could sport a perpetually tan body without any sun damage or icky fake tanning smell.  Getting a slight tan from the beach gave me a taste of how great a tan looks...but my body has way too many years of lifeguarding sun damage under its belt to know better.  I'll have to live with being fair and sun spotted, while generously apply self-tanner.  Aging is wonderful.  Not.

I think that's about it for now.
What are your unspoken (and probably tongue-in-cheek) life goals?
Do share!

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1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a command center from your bed. You DO have luscious hair!! I'm always thinking your hair is gorgeous. Ok...we totally need to go to Scotland. I'm thinking we should take a trip together one of these days (doesn't have to be Scotland)...just anywhere!!



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