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High 5: The B-U-G

As previously mentioned, our family fell victim to the stomach bug right after our cruise....all five of us except this guy.  Thank goodness.

Sure, I've had the bug lots of times in my life, but never before have I experienced it in this way, not to mention experiencing it through three of my children as well.

Here's my High 5 of the wicked, awful, suck-the-life-out-of-you Stomach Bug:

1.  I've concluded that the rate of resiliency from the stomach bug is inversely proportionate to the age of the victim.
Our kids were doing cartwheels mere minutes after throwing up, while my husband and I couldn't seem to move for two days.

2.  Getting a stomach virus is nature's way of pushing the restart button on your eating habits.
I've hardly touched Diet Dr. Pepper since then, which if you know me, is HUGE.  Sugar is a close second.  Major for me.

3.  Weight loss.
Need I say more?  My scale read a number I hadn't seen since before my third child!  Too bad it's mostly all back now....stupid water weight.

4.  It was such a tender mercy that neither me or my husband came down with it on the drive home from Florida to Texas.
When we got home blissfully ignorant of what was to come, we both worked like crazy that night to unpack, clean, do yard work, and then got sick that next morning.  It's as if the bug said, "Wait for it.......okay, NOW!"

5.  Having a family our size get the bug forces you (me) to completely sanitize the house afterwards.  And the laundry....oh, that laundry.
Result: Clean, germ-free (hopefully) house.

Lessons learned:  Wash hands, don't let your children drink after each other, don't let your children put their hands in their mouths (hello thumb suckers!), wash hands, hand sanitize, and.....

Oh yeah, wash those hands.

This has been a Public Service Announcement.  You're welcome...and may you stay bug-free!!!

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