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Disney Cruise: Part 4-Private Island

My hubs would like me to note that his shirt was "billowing" and that is most certainly not his gut.
The munchkie on the left stuck her tongue out in almost every picture from this trip.  She also decided that during this vacation was the perfect time to fully hit her stride in the terrible twos.  This translated into an interesting, and sometimes deafening, car ride with her.  I'm going to assume our closer proximity to the equator (or Bermuda Triangle) last week was to blame for her newfound attitude, and pray the effects wear off by Friday.  The girl is lucky she's so dang cute.
Daddy/Son twinkies
Taking a break in the shade
This girl LOVED the beach...she was in her own little world...just her and the sand.
ModCloth suit, Charming Charlie hat (similar)
Momma and the big girls
My brave girl doing the monkey bars ocean-style.
The day we ported on Castaway Cay (the Disney-owned island) was my favorite by far.  The beach was exquisite and we never wanted for anything.  Lunch was brought out to us on the beach, we enjoyed iced-down drinks of whatever we wanted, the water was crystal clear, and the weather was absolutely ideal.  My sunburn is now severely itching (a full week later), but I'm delighted I got some sun none-the-less!

While enjoying our day on the island, we were able to visit with the other families we knew who went on the cruise....such a fun group!  Can we go back next week, please?  Maybe for Mother's Day???

The Mrs. & The Momma

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