The two oldest are at school.
My two youngest are sleeping.
I have an enormous amount of packing and moving to do...
Yet here I am in front of my computer contemplating all the memories in this house that I will miss.
It will be nice to have a little more room, but I'll also be giving up some things that have become my favorites in this house.
We've lived here for five years...almost to the day.
When we bought this house, we had one child.
When we move out later this week, we will be leaving as a family of six.
I hope our renters will understand that even though we no longer wish to live here, this house is our baby. We are the only ones it has ever sheltered. Our first home.
They'll never know all the memories made within these walls.
I hope I can treasure what special times we had here.
Hearing little hands quietly closing doors, the constant opening and closing of the back door, kids splashing in the tub...
Seeing the girls run to the door as their daddy came home each day...
Doing the monotonous work of cleaning and cooking...
The miles I've pushed strollers around our block...
The learning that took place...
The holidays, the birthdays, the coming home from vacations...
Playing hide-and-seek...
Rocking my babies, watching them sleep, nursing them in our room...
I'll miss it all.
I know there will be plenty more memories to make, but there will never be another time as the past five years for our family, and this house has played a major role in those memories. After all, this is the first chimney through which Santa delivered our gifts!
Our family was new, young, and fresh when we moved in. This house is special because of that.
I hope that these early memories our family made in this house I will never forget.
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