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Why the Eve to an Eve is the Best Day

Happy New Year's Eve-EVE!!!!  I heard Kelly Ripa say that the eve to an eve is much more exciting than the actual eve itself because there are two days more to look forward to.  Does that make sense?  Well it certainly did to me, as I wholeheartedly agree with her!  Christmas Eve is one of my favorite days of the year, but I almost love it so much I don't want it to end...therefore, Christmas Eve-Eve leaves that anticipation fresh and exciting without the taint of bittersweetness at it's soon-to-be end.

Can you tell somebody is having a bit of post-Christmas depression?

In going through all the Christmas pictures I took, these are some of my favorites from Christmas Eve...we celebrate every year with my dad's side of the family and I just love them all to pieces!

^^^ What should have been our Christmas card.  ^^^ 

^^^ My aunt and uncle still live in the house I grew up going to as a child...I have such fond memories of playing there will my cousins and it was great seeing all the little cousins playing in that same house. ^^^ 

^^^ It's not Christmas without a prom-posed photo with your brother. ^^^ 

^^^ My mom brought back Scottish berets from her trip this past fall and I've been wanting to get a shot of all of them....Christmas Eve was the day!  Such cute little lassies and laddie! ^^^

I have a few more Christmas posts coming up...and maybe a NYE one depending on how wild and crazy we get...because if Blake and I are ANYTHING, it's definitely wild and crazy.  whoo-hoo.

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  1. Adorable pics ... your children are sooooo cute! Thanks for sharing!!

    Happy New Year!!
    ♥ Shia

  2. HAHAHHAHA!!!! You and your brother! Love it!!! (Uh, fwiw I know your bro's name, but not sure if everyone else does so I'll leave it off. Hi baby bro!) Also, love the one of your sweet family.



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