What I Prayed For Today {November Blogathon}
My earliest memory of an answered prayer was when I lost my first tooth. I had a Precious Moments tooth pillow that I had been so looking forward to using....but when I finally lost my first tooth, night came and I had no idea where the pillow was. I looked high and low, everywhere I could possibly think of. I ended up going to bed devastated that I'd lost my tooth pillow. I remember praying so hard that somehow I'd find it. After a few minutes, a thought came to my mind of where the pillow might be...I got out of bed and looked in that exact spot (a place I had already looked several times), and there it was. That memory has stuck with me all these years that no matter how little or insignificant the desires of my heart, our loving father in heaven cares and answers my prayers.
Prayer is a huge part of my life. We pray as a family every morning, we pray for meals, we pray with our children at night...and of course our own individual prayers. What a comfort it is to know my family is protected and blessed through praying. Here's a few things I've prayed for today...some might sound insignificant like my little tooth pillow, but others are of the utmost importance to me:
Today I prayed:
- That I'd make it to a place to air up my flat tire when another place I had barely made it to had an out-of-order sign on their air pump. (I did make it.)
- That we'd have the holy spirit present in our home...and for harmony. (Bickering has become prevalent as of late)
- In thanks for my family and friends who make my life so wonderful.
- To keep my children safe when they're not with me.
- For Blake to have peace and productivity in his work.
- In thanks for answering my prayers.
- Asking for help in preparation with a wedding I'm shooting this weekend.
- That I'm enough.
I've often thought to keep a prayer journal and I think I just might start one. I like the idea of having a tangible record to keep of what to both be thankful for and blessing for which need asking of God. I know a few people who do this and they say how much more meaningful (and less rote) their prayers are.
I'd also like to add to my prayers for all of you....that you might have a wonderfully special holiday season with family and friends, making memories and enjoying traditions! XO!
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