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What My Momma Taught Me

You know those moments when you realize you know or believe something and you can attribute that knowledge directly to someone?
I have those rather often and it's usually something I learned from my momma.  In honor of tomorrow, I thought I share a few of her "teachings".
My momma taught me....

-How to be demanding with a smile
-To only plant greenery in the front yard...reserve the flowers for the back.
-To be prompt.  No, actually my Daddy taught me this.  Nevermind.
-To be resilient
-A love for travel
-To never wear blue eyeshadow...unless it's to a themed sorority party
-To be stoic...this one was probably just by observation
-To cook without a recipe
-To love unconditionally
-To love Christ
-To never stop hoping for the best
-To trust my intuition
-To always request upgrades at hotels
-To handle difficult/confrontational situations
-That girls can do things just as well as the boys
-And many more less-concrete but equally important life lessons and traits.

Thank you Mommy for being everything you are.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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  1. i liked the blue eye shadow one. :) happy mother's day!!

    1. Thanks Katie! Having blue eyes, blue shadow doesn't look good on me anyway thank goodness! :)

  2. You two are twins, that's for sure!! My mom also taught me how to trust my intuition. I agree with Katie...I like the blue eyeshadow one :-)

  3. I work in the hotel business and I agree that it does not hurt to ask for the upgrade.



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