I am part of an AWESOME mommy panel with my best bloggy friend Julie from Naptime Review.
Each Saturday, we will bring you fresh new ideas and advice about motherhood.
If you enjoyed what you read, we encourage you to tweet about it!
Coming on May 11th, we will discuss:
What sorts of summer activities or camps do you enroll your children?
Now on to this week's topic!
What is your favorite thing about being a mother?
Here is what Mom Connection shared:
Welcome! I'm Julie over at Naptime Review. I am a mom of two wild, crazy and beautiful girls. My oldest is 4 and my baby is 20 months old. This is what I love most about being a mom:
What I love about being a mother is nap time or anytime my kids are sleeping! Just kidding, I truly feel blessed to be able to fulfill my dreams of being a mother. As a young girl, I played house and dreamed about being a mother. I wake up every morning and thank God for trusting me to mold and shape these 2 beautiful girls.
Now, being a SAHM has it challenges so when those challenging times come and they come often with an almost 2-year-old and a strong-willed 4-year-old, I try to focus on the positives. I focus on watching my girls play and interact. They are forming sisterly bonds that will last a lifetime. I focus on them not being this small forever. That one day I will blink and they will be off to college and they won't need their mommy to snuggle and love on them. I focus on their little brains absorbing so much and learning and growing daily. I focus on all the funny things that my girls say and do.
I really love being a mom! It was what God has called me to do, and I feel so blessed to be able to do it day in and day out. So when their toys are everywhere , the kids are screaming in the grocery store, or they just dumped a bowl full of cereal on top of their heads, I just stop and focus on all the good before my eyes. There are so many things to love about being a mom. I am truly blessed.
Hi! I'm Cassie from Two In Diapers, and I'm a mommy to three sweet babies, ages 5, 3, and 20 months. This is what I love most about being a mom:
I know we're all passionate about mothering or we wouldn't be here at the Mom Connection, but being a mommy is my absolute passion.
Since the question of what I love about being a mom sent my head spinning in all sorts of directions, I'll just list a few things for you. :)
- I love every moment of the "process", from pregnancy to delivery to watching them grow and change each day.
- I love the responsibility of teaching these tiny people everything from basic facts to behavior and manners to deeper things.
- I love seeing them grow and finding qualities in them that mirror my husband or me.
- I love the way their smile or rosy morning cheeks can completely brighten up my mood.
- I love their sweet, precious, wholehearted and innocent love for their mommy.
I am so very blessed to be a mommy.
My name is Alexa from No Holding Back. I am the mom of Nayner Bug (male, 5), Jelly Bean, (female, 3) and Tiny (female, 1). This is what I love most about being a mom:
It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the day-to-day insanity of having three little ones and forget about all of the things that we love about being a mom. My favorite things about being a mom are the following:
· Lots and lots of kisses and hugs! I am blessed with three snuggly bunnies!
· Giggles and silliness!
· Getting to relive life again and see the joy of the small things (look mommy! A caterpillar! Ooh mommy, look at the pretty flower! And so forth.)
· Playing and dancing and not giving a care in the world.
· Swinging with my little ones!
· Exploring and learning things that I never realized I had an interest in!
· Learning how to be crafty!
· Did I say giggling? The sound of my children giggling, and getting to giggle myself! That might be my favorite! No, kisses are definitely my fave!
· Made up words and expressions! Monkey cheese (mac n cheese) samliches, bathing soups, two nail polish, and so forth!
· Imaginations!! Oh boy does my son have an imagination!
· Celebrating milestones and achievements.
· Hearing those precious little voices say “I love you mommy!”
They know how to push my buttons, but man I love those three little monkeys!! J

My name is Fotini! I blog over at Glamorous Affordable Life. I am the mom of (Isabella 2 years and Christian 6 years). This is what I love most about being a mom:
I wake up every day with a big smile on my face the minute I hear Isabella saying “Mommy come here!” My kids have truly shown me what living life is all about. I love when they call me Mama, surprise me with a kiss or hug, tell me I’m pretty, like what I cooked for dinner, tell me they love me, want to cuddle, and listen to me. I love to hear them laugh, love to see them smile, hold them when they’re scared, sing them to sleep, cuddle them close, hold their hands and provide for them every day!
Christian is at the age right now where he’s becoming quite the charmer ;) He’ll say sweet things and leave me the cutest little notes that just melt my heart! I have a memory box I keep all those little notes in and I know they will brighten my heart as I grow older! He has also been doing things around the house and at school that he knows will please me, which makes me feel like I’m doing my job right J
Isabella is becoming more independent every day, and since she’s my baby it’s been hard for me to let go of the “baby” stage, but at times she’ll snuggle up to me and want cuddled and tell me she loves me. She is such a loving child and it makes my heart smile. <3
My name is Kristen from The Mrs. & The Momma. I'm the momma of three girls (ages 7, 5, & 3) and a little boy (18 months). This is what I love most about being a mom:
1. Unlimited hugs and kisses.
2. Becoming an expert on all things kid-related.
3. Being able to stay at home with them and not miss anything...letting them know how much they matter.
4. Loving some one unconditionally...actually 4 some ones.
5. That I have built-in friends for life. Plus my husband, of course. :)
Being a momma makes me more appreciative of every other momma in my life. It's an honor and privilege to be a mother...my biggest blessings in life have come from my children.
Your Turn:
What are some of your favorite things about being a mom?
Leave us a comment; we love to read your tips and advice!
Need advice? Check out these previous Mom Connection topics:

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