"What if you couldn't live with your family because they were diseased and you were helpless to stop it?....What if you were only 8 years old?"
That's the question Faith asks on her blog, Make Change....and she's doing something about it. This 7th grader from Austin, along with her mother Tara, is raising money for children in India whose families are affected by leprosy. Just read Faith's about me to get a sense of what a spiritually gifted young woman she is...really, how darling is she!
You definitely want to take 6 minutes out of your day to watch the video they made about both their cause and a tribute to all the kind acts of those who make a difference in the lives of others.
I promise it will inspire and touch your heart.
Faith and Tara's Make Change campaign is not only about their mission to help those with leprosy...it's also about encouraging those small, significant acts of selflessness that fill up a huge "change jar". They designed this miniature penny Make Change bracelet as a reminder of the power we all have to make a positive change in the world. (You can get one here.)
I love that she says, "What you do with the bracelet is up to you."
How do you make change?
Visit Make Change today HERE. Thanks to my friend Natalie, who is friends with Faith and Tara, for telling me about and sharing their endearing cause.
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