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Our 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Break-Down

I haven't blogged all that much in the last few months...due to a number of things, but one of the biggest was time I instead dedicated to homeschooling my oldest for her 6th grade year.  Now that we're in summer and have wrapped up her schooling for the year, it's nice to look back and see all that we accomplished and learned together.  I might share in a later post how we decided to homeschool and all that the story entails...but suffice it to say, we've been blessed.

I've been asked countless times why we decided to homeschool her, which curricula we used, etc. etc. etc.  My mother, a former educator and curriculum consultant, helped tremendously when piecing together which curricula we wanted to use...and in fact, we chose a different one for each subject.  I know some homeschoolers stick with one curriculum program for all subjects, however, we felt this way of doing things (piecemeal) worked best for her/us.  I did find myself supplementing quite a bit with various online resources, but for the most part, I was very pleased with the quality of what was covered and taught.

In the event others may be interested in what we used (and where to find them), I've created a little round up of the main subjects, what we bought/used, and linked everything I could find (below).  This break-down does not include projects, field trips, or other special activities we did (such as science experiments), but it's a solid high-level summary of what our 6th grade year entailed.  If you or someone you know might find this helpful, please feel free to share it.  One of my friends kindly gave me many resources and ideas, and I'm hopeful I can pass on the favor...especially to a family who is new to middle-school homeschooling like we were and might not know where to start.

*links under infographic

MATH:  Connected Math (multiple books) // Mathematics in Context // Math Antics

SCIENCE:  Earth & Space iScience // Middle School Biology Textbook // Mineral Science Kit // Rock Science Kit

LANGUAGE ARTS & READING:  Membeam // No Red Ink // Teachers Pay Teachers
Books & Reading Guides - 
A Wrinkle in Time / AWIT Guide
Esperanza Rising / Guide 
A Long Walk to Water
A Single Shard / Guide
Summer of the Monkeys / Guide
Pay It Forward
Tuck Everlasting
First Test (with local library book club)
Caddie Woodlawn
When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Percy Jackson Lightning Thief

SOCIAL STUDIES & HISTORY:  The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia // National Geographic Student Atlas of the World // YouTube // Teachers Pay Teachers

SPANISH:  BYU Independent Studies

MUSIC & THEORY:  Suzuki Violin School // I Can Read Music Violin // Theory Time

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